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  3. SmartTransmit
  4. Troubleshoot
  5. Requirements


The minimal requirements to troubleshoot the transmitter (SmartTransmit) and upload firmware, required to communicate with a SmartSampler from firmware version V1.0.

  1. Arduino IDE (https://www.arduino.cc/en/software)
    1. MKRNB library
      1. Open Arduino IDE
        1. navigate to Tools –> Manage Libraries…
        2. search for “MKRNB” (by Arduino)  and install latest version
    2. MKRNB board
      1. Open Arduino IDE
        1. Navigate to Tools –> Board –> Board Manager
        2.  search for “Arduino SAMD Boards” (by Arduino) and install latest version
  2. USB Micro cable for connection from your computer to the Arduino board
    1. ensure it is a cable not just for charging
    2. If notifications are enabled on your computer you should here the “new device connected” sound after plugin in (after 3 seconds)
  3. Working SIM card
  4. Antenna

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