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  5. Connection error to SmartSampler

Connection error to SmartSampler

If you are experiencing connection errors between the SmartTransmit and SmartSampler, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Check Basic SmartSampler Settings

  • Firmware: Ensure the firmware for SmartTransmit is uploaded. Download here: Firmware Link
  • Code Upload: Follow these instructions for uploading the code.
  • SmartConfig Settings: Confirm that “Transmitter connected” is enabled in SmartConfig 2.0 wireless settings.
  • Power Supply: Verify that the SmartSampler is connected to a power supply and powered on:
    • LED Indicators:
      • Green light next to “On” should be lit.
      • Light next to “L” should be off.
      • Light next to “CHRG” may light up if charging.

2. Verify Communication in SmartConfig

  • Open Serial Monitor in SmartConfig and go to the Cellular tab.
  • Check for any incoming messages that confirm successful communication.

3. Test the Transmitter Module

If issues persist, the transmitter module may be damaged, especially after power loss. Use Arduino tools to verify functionality:

  1. Review the requirements for these tests.
  2. Power off and disconnect the SmartTransmit from the SmartSampler.
  3. Attach an antenna to the Arduino module.
  4. Connect the Arduino to your computer with a functional USB cable.
  5. In Arduino IDE:
    • Go to File > Examples > MKRNB > Tools > TestModem.
    • Upload the code.
    • Open Serial Monitor (Tools > Serial Monitor).

    Expected Serial Monitor messages:

    • “Starting modem test…”
    • “modem.begin() succeeded” – confirms modem communication.
    • “ERROR, no modem answer.” – indicates a potential modem issue.
  6. The test will attempt to retrieve the modem IMEI. If no errors occur, the modem is functioning properly.

4. Re-upload Firmware to SmartTransmit

Once all tests are complete and communication is verified, re-upload the firmware to the SmartTransmit.

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