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  5. Connection error to network

Connection error to network

If you’re encountering connection errors, follow these steps to troubleshoot:

1. Run a Connection Test Using Arduino IDE

  1. Open the Arduino IDE.
  2. Go to File > Examples > MKRNB > Tools > TestGPRS.
  3. Upload the code to your device.
  4. Open the Serial Monitor by selecting Tools > Serial Monitor.
  5. The code will attempt to connect to example.org.
  6. If prompted for a carrier proxy, simply click in the message box and press Enter to skip (default setting).

A successful connection test will display: “TEST COMPLETE!”

2. Allow Time for Initial Connection

New SIM cards may take a few minutes to establish their first connection to the cellular network, which could take up to 5 minutes. Subsequent connections should be much faster, typically completing within seconds.

3. If error in TestGPRS appeares

  1. Repeat step 1, copy the serial monitor content for later debuging
  2. If test is completed reupload the firmware to communicate with the SmartSampler

5. Additional Troubleshooting

If connection issues persist, try using a different SIM card if possible.

  1. Open the Arduino IDE.
  2. Go to File > Examples > MKRNB > Tools > ChooseRadioAccessTechnology.
  3. Before uploading the code, make sure any other Arduino IDE instance has the serial monitor closed
  4. Upload the code to your device.
  5. Open the Serial Monitor by selecting Tools > Serial Monitor.
  6. The code allows to choose between Radio Access Technologies.
  7. If prompted to choose a technology choose option “0 – CAT M1 only”.

4. Repeat step 1

  1. Repeat step 1, copy the serial monitor content for later debuging
  2. If test is completed reupload the firmware to communicate with the SmartSampler

5. Additional Troubleshooting

If connection issues persist, try using a different SIM card if possible.

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