Start type
“Instant start” is the only selectable option so far. Future update will provide more options.
Trigger type
“Time trigger” is the only selectable option so far. Future update will provide more options.
Low voltage threshold
Setting it to 0 mV will disable this option.
Using any other value will set the sampler into power saving mode if the supply voltage will drop below the set value.
The power saving mode will automaticlly double the interval time till the supply voltage rises again above the set value.
Setting Import/Export/Reset
Option to import/ export and reset the SmartSampler settings
System Configuration
Options which can save power and enable more advanced settings.
Option | Behaivor |
LED disabled | disbales the LED of the power button |
Sleep enable | Enables sleeping of the SmartSampler between intervals |
Power down sensors | Powers down all sensors between intervals |
Power down modules | Powers down all connected modules between intervals |
Restart module daily | Daily restart of the connected modules |
Gravity drained | For MultiSensor mode only (drains the sampling cup by gravity) |
Enable 4th output | 4th output can be used to power an actor |
Roaming SIM in use | Telemetry module is allowed to switch provider |
Disable Power Down
If “Power down sensors” is enabled this option may leave selected sensor powered up between the intervals.