The RS-232 port is used for sensors using a serial RS-232 communication.
Typically, serial communication via RS-232 consists of human-readable strings (e.g., temperature,20.0). The format of these strings may vary depending on the sensor used. Common formats include:
- Variable1,Value1,Variable2,Value2,…
- Value1,Value2,…
The delimiter between variables and values, as well as the number of values, may also differ. This can be customized through the following configuration options.

Sensor selection
Lets you choose from a selection of sensors.
Delimiter/Values to save
Select the expected delimiter from the list based on the sensor’s output, and specify the number of values to be received.
Manual commands
This may vary depending on the sensor selected.
Baud rate
Select the baudrate the sensor is set to.
String configuration
Some sensors may send initial data at the start of the string that should not be saved. For example:
- data,temperature,20.0,variable2,value2,…
- time,19:32:45,temperature,20.0,variable2,value2,…
In such cases, you can exclude this initial data by setting the appropriate start position and configuring the “every value” setting accordingly.

For the EXO sensor, it only sends values without variable names, so you need to manually assign variable names to each value’s position. The specified variable names will be used as headers in the datalog and in the telemetry system.